Ascend Test Drive Center

611 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

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What is the Test Drive?

The Test Drive is a perfect opportunity for you to wear Ascend and perform activities of daily living (walking, sit-to-stand, steps) to see if Ascend is right for you.


Why should I do a Test Drive?

Due to the complexity of knee pain, we want to make sure that Ascend can solve your needs. If you like Ascend, our dedicated Patient Advocacy team will work with your insurance to process reimbursement claims.




Where can I Test Drive Ascend?

Currently, our Test Drive Center is located at 611 Florida Street in San Francisco, CA 94110. More locations will be added in the future. Reserved parking is available in front of 650 Alabama Street if needed.

How long are Test Drives?

A Test Drive lasts approximately 60 minutes.

How do I schedule a Test Drive?

Test Drives are appointment only. First, complete our questionnaire to see if Ascend is right for you. If there is a fit, our team will reach out and help schedule your appointment.

Do I have to commit to a device if I do a test drive?

No, there is no obligation to purchase the device during or after a Test Drive. If the device works for you and you choose to move forward, our dedicated Patient Advocacy team will work with your insurance to process reimbursement claims.

Ascend Test Drive Center

611 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Monday - Saturday: 10am-6pm


(415) 481-6400